Personal Projects
Epicure is a cooking simulator where players must complete fast-food orders within a certain time to earn more money. The game offers both a single-player and a multiplayer (2v2) mode. This project is published on Steam and was made with Unity and C#.
True Jesus Church Notify
TJC Notify is an iOS app that displays a live schedule and supports realtime updates. Push notifications are sent to users who are assigned specific duties. The app uses JavaScript and Firebase to run its database and authentication systems.
Verse Rush
Verse Rush is a game where any Bible verse used as input will have randomly generated blanks. Players must type in the correct word to keep progressing until all blanks are filled. This game was developed in C#.
School Projects
Pacman AI
Project for CS 188
Designed different pathfinding algorithms to help Pacman find the closest dots on any random maze. Some implemented algorithms include Breadth-First Search, Depth-First Search, and A* Search.
Ataxx AI
Project for CS 61B
Created an AI that can find the best moves in the 1990 game Ataxx. The bot uses minimax and alpha-beta pruning algorithms to find the best possible move within a given depth.
Ants vs. Bees
Project for CS 61A
Developed a game based off of Plants vs. Zombies where a player must place ants on the board to prevent the bee invasion. This game uses Object-Oriented Programming to configure ant types and is written in Python.